La Fantaisie
Part of the “Leitmotiv” hotel group, La Fantaisie is a lush enclave in the city centre of Paris. From the imagination of renowned designer Martin Brudnizki, the hotel is a revelation for all the senses, just a stone’s throw from the lively Grands Boulevards. With the vibrant life of the trendy Faubourg-Montmartre district on its doorstep, the hotel is a serene refuge with a spacious and lovingly designed garden behind it. The 73 rooms and suites, as well as the luxurious spa have also been designed as individual hideaways that offer a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. At the hotel’s own restaurant and café, the focus is on indulgence and joie de vivre. A special highlight is the rooftop terrace, which is decorated with lush greenery and offers breathtaking views over the rooftops of Paris. A place simply to enjoy.